Anne-Maartje Oud
Anne-Maartje Oud is a behavioural and communication expert, behaviour analyst, trainer, advisor and owner of The Behaviour Company. For over 20 years she has helped organisations to directly address issues, bad habits and bad practices so they can reach their full potential by embracing better communication techniques and more pro-social and effective behaviour. She is not only certified and trained by former FBI agent and body language expert Joe Navarro, but she is also the only one who has completed his five-year apprenticeship program.
Thomas Boer
Thomas Boer has been an actor and communication trainer with The Behaviour Company since 2017. His expertise lies in combining these two professions and translating his qualities in helping others to identify behaviours and practice new behaviour quickly. He's known for his wit, humour and for being frank.
Bea Smink
For over 30 years, Bea has organized business events and conferences with efficiency, accuracy and a sense of humour.
She is also a trainer on the topic of hospitality and customer experience.
Irma Vogel
Irma Vogel has been with The Behaviour Company since 2006, running the back office with administration and everything that keeps us connected. Clients characterize Irma as precise, friendly and accurate.
Mi Ridell
Mi Ridell, an accomplished actress and nonverbal communication analyst educated by former FBI Special Agent Joe Navarro, teaches the Swedish Police, Customs, Military, Security Service, and Correctional Service how to decipher and build trust through human behaviour. She frequently appears on TV and media to decode the body language of politicians and celebrities at public events. Her empirical skills help audiences understand nonverbal cues and become more aware of unconscious behaviours.
An Gaiser
Nonverbal profiler and investigative interviewer, An Gaiser, former integrity officer at the AIVD and former senior manager Forensic Integrity and Compliance KPMG has over 20 years of experience in the field of conducting effective interviews and integrity investigations.
Coming Soon
The Behaviour Company is always looking for specialists with experience in the field of vision, implementation and behavioural change.