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The Behaviour Company stands for a custom made service – from one day workshops to courses that last several months, for individuals or groups. Each person or situation is unique.This is why we  offer the possibility of a non-binding personal interview in order to determine which approach

will best suit your company or yourself. Our 3 step method will certainly change your behaviour.

Analysis, Awareness, Action!

The main objective of training, both online or live, is interaction. Interaction within a group of people means learning from each other, receiving feedback from the trainer as well as the other group members. This creates a dynamic, diverse and therefore an effective learning environment. We offer training courses for teams, groups of people and companies.

Sometimes underlying causes of the problem might be unclear. This could be on an individual level, but also on a larger scale. The Behaviour Company is there to help organizations support their employees to develop their skills or to find out causes of ineffective communication and cooperation.

With one on one, individual sessions your personal and professional growth will be stimulated. It’s an effective way of self-reflection. These sessions will focus on enhancing High Performance. How can you expand the things that motivate you and decrease de-motivating influences? Your personal behaviour is key.

We help organizations identify toxic situations and people, and we help to understand how to deal with people flawed character. We use the unique Behavioural Assessment Inventory (BAI copyrighted). BAI is created in cooperation with former FBI agent and number 1 body language expert Joe Navarro.


The key to succes is being able to align your behaviour with what is needed to achieve your objectives! 

Start today and become exceptional!


Themes we can help you with

Nonverbal Communication and Behaviour

Learn more about Non-Verbal Communication. What should you observe and look out for when it comes to effective communication. 

Influencing Others

Learn more about the difference of individual or group influence and find out how to improve your influencing skills.

Effective Teamwork

Create a team that works together in an effective way with openness, agreeableness and cooperation.

Difficult Conversations

Learn how to be more effective when it comes to having those inevitable difficult conversations.

Dealing with "Difficult People"

Learn how to work with those people that you consider "difficult". What are the do's and don'ts.

Presenting (Public Speaking)

Learn how to deliver your speech and engage well with your audience.

Negotiation Skills

Learn how to negotiate with the long term effect in mind. Building relationships with your clients and customers.


Learn more about leadership. Become aware on how to contribute as a leader and how to maximize your qualities.

Effective Communication Techniques

Learn more about effective communication and how to improve your own style as well as others.

Performing Online

Learn how to be noticed in a meeting, how to prevent mishaps and how to make sure you and your team communicate in an effective meeting.

Conflict Prevention & Solution

Learn how to identify conflicts quicker and learn how to deal with them.

Conducting Effective Meetings

Learn how to conduct focused, goal orientated and effective meetings. With an eye for the participants, the goal and the interaction.

NEO-PIR personality test

The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) is a personality inventory that examines a person's Big Five personality traits.

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Learn how to give feedback in a constructive way. Also learn how receive feedback and getting the most out of it.

Hospitality and Service

Become aware of the true behaviours surrounding hospitality in your company and find out what can be increased.

Helicopter Metaphor Technique

The helicopter technique is very helpful in those moments when you feel like you are not making progress in conversations. Learn how to use it in practice.

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