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Dangerous Personalities Behavioural Assessment Course by Joe Navarro and The Behaviour Company

What a blast. The Dangerous Personalities in Amsterdam on 19 September 2022 was sold out and a great success! Thank you to all the participants who took the time to be here from all over Europe. From Switzerland, France, Italy, Sweden, Germany, the UK, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. Involved people who understand that this topic should be taken more seriously in daily life and work. It was a masterstroke because of the enthusiasm and contributions made by all the participants.

Thank you, everyone, for making it possible!

This video will show you an impression of this amazing day.

See you next time!


Are you ready to change your behaviour?

Start today and become exceptional!

The Behaviour Company offers efficient methods to you or your employees who are willing to achieve desired results and goals.

We help you to create exceptional results through exceptional behaviour! 



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1014 BM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T  +31 (0)20-693 97 95

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